Diff Reports contain 1 row per beneficiary per Registry answer and can be run for any combination of TINs and Practices.  The report is essentially raw data.  Most users will export this data and manipulate it in Excel in order to get the desired reports.  The columns of interest display the:

  • Preloaded Value - The most recent value either defaulted by the system or loaded via an automated feed, not an end user entered value.
  • Current Value - The value currently displayed in the Registry.  This value will be/was used for GPRO submission.  Note that end user entered values always take precedence over automated feeds.
  • CMS Value - The value exported from CMS GPRO Web Interface, if any. CMS provides the Yes/No answer for the Influenza immunization measure when that data is available.

Diff Reports serve multiple purposes

  • Identify and count answer values for each Registry question.  You may be looking for value counts that are unusually high or questions which are not yet answered.
  • Identify gaps in pre-population values, CMS provided values, and the final values submitted.  These gaps can be used to improve data mappings and/or practice data capture workflows.
  • Trend data collection at a very detailed level.  These reports can be run at any time during the data collection process.  Weekly reports can identify trends on specific questions, practices or TINs.

To access the Diff Reports

  1. Go into the Registry
  2. Click the Reports link in the upper left.
  3. Click the Diff Report link.  If the system is busy it may take a minute or two to load.

To do a full export

  1. Select all TINs
  2. Select all Practices
  3. Click the Export to CSV lin