The Gaps in Care Registry View displays one row per patient that aggregates information for all measures that patient is qualified for.  This view only contains patients that qualify for at least one denominator in the selected program.

Like these other views, the GIC Registry View supports the concept of filters and sort settings. The filters are the Selection Criteria on the selection screen.

The sort options are a list of the columns that appear in the grid that can be ordered as need - the default for the view is Patient Name ascending.

After the user has selected the Registry View, they also must make selections to include:

  • The program to use (only one at a time is supported)
  • All or a sub-set of measures from the selected program
  • Effective date using a limited set of dates
  • One population filter (optional)
  • All or a sub-set of practices (selection of practices available only to Organization-level users; practice-level users will see only their practice)
  • Gap threshold (optional)
  • Gender (optional)
  • Age threshold (optional)

An example of the Registry Report View appears below:


The user can adjust the filters using the edit icon. The filters displayed are those made on the GIC selection screen.


The default sort is Patient Name ascending, but the user can use the edit icon for the Sort By options to expand the sorting options, combining several sorting criteria and ordering them. Once you have selected the sorting options and ordered them, select Save and Refresh List.

Exporting the Report

Select the Export button in the upper left of the report. A .xlsx file is generated and the user is prompted to select a file location to save the file. 

The exported file will re-order the columns grouping demographics, measure information, and practice/provider information.

Demographics Information

Gap and Measure Information

Total gaps for the patient, plus for each measure included in the report, a description of the Performance Met criteria appears when there is a gap.

Practice and Provider Information