Note that the Gaps in Care reports will only contain patients that qualify for at least one denominator in the selected program(s).

To generate a GIC report, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. Select Clinical Programs from the menu, then select Gaps in Care.
  3. The Gaps in Care selection screen appears.
  4. Select the Type of View:
    • Registry - one row per patient that aggregates information for measures.
    • Measure Listing -  one row per measure per patient.
  5. Select the Clinical Program.
  6. Select the Measures to include in the report:
    • Select all measures in the program that the current organization is subscribed to
    • Select specific measures. When you select this radio button, the list of available measures is displayed. Select the checkbox for the measure to include it in the report.
  7. Select the Date Effective for the report. The default is the current date, but you can select any pre-loaded date from the drop-down list.
  8. Select the Population Filter (if available).
  9. Select which practices to include in the report  (selection of practices available only to Organization-level users; practice-level users will see only their practice):
    • Select all practices in the organization
    • Select specific practices. When you select this radio button, the drop-down list of available practices is enabled. Select the practice name and the Add button to include it in the report. Repeat the selections and Add to build the list of desired practices.
  10. Registry View: Select the threshold for the number of gaps to include:
    • No threshold - all patients who are included in at least 1 denominator will be included in the report regardless of number of gaps in care.
    • Specify greater than/greater than or equal to/equal to/less than/less than or equal to/range and enter a number. Only patient who meet the number of gaps specified will be included in the report.
  11. Measure Listing View: Select the Gap Status to include in the report:
    • All - shows both Met and Gap measures for each patient
    • Gap (For Lower Is Better measures, patients in the numerator are counted as a gap)
    • Met
  12. Select the gender of the patients to include in the report. The default is All.
  13. Select the age threshold for the patients to include:
    • No threshold - all patients who are included in at least 1 denominator will be included in the report regardless of age.
    • Specify greater than/greater than or equal to/equal to/less than/less than or equal to/range and enter an age. Only patient who meet the age threshold specified will be included in the report.
  14. Select View Results. The report request will be displayed. Depending on how broad the report criteria is, it may take several minutes to display.