Clinigence ACO MSSP Registry Basics
Modified on: Tue, 6 Dec, 2016 at 11:48 AM
The Clinigence GPRO MSSP Annual Reporting Registry is used to collect and confirm the answers to the clinical questions CMS asks.
The tool takes the user through a step-by-step wizard for each clinical domain.
The Registry is updated every year to reflect the latest CMS requirements.
Accessing the Registry:
Login to Clinigence (
Select ACO Tools
Select Attributed Registries
Select the reporting quarter and year you want to work on, for example: Q1 201 ACO Reporting to CMS. The Front Page of the Registry appears.

The Front Page is used to both navigate and to track your progress in data collection.
Several areas on the Front Page are links to other screens.
To navigate to... |
Select... |
The Patient Summary page |
The underlined patient name |
A data collection page (measure details) |
Select a patient name and then the Edit button for the desired measure OR Select the circle icon in the column for the specific clinical domain:
Track Progress
You can use the filters to get a count of the patients and clinical domains that have not been completed & approved.
To track... |
Follow these steps... |
How many patients have incomplete data for 1 or more of the clinical domains... |
Select Incomplete Data from the Rows Containing dropdown list. At the bottom right of the table a count of patients with at least 1 incomplete item is displayed.
How many patients have unapproved data for 1 or more of the clinical domains... |
Select Unapproved Groups from the Rows Containing dropdown list. At the bottom right of the table a count of patients with at least 1 unapproved item is displayed.
How many patients have incomplete data for 1 or more of the clinical domains for a specific practice... |
Select the desired practice from the Practice column dropdown list.
Select Incomplete Data from the Rows Containing dropdown list. At the bottom right of the table a count of patients at the selected practice with at least 1 incomplete item is displayed.
How many patients have unapproved data for 1 or more of the clinical domains for a specific practice... |
Select the desired practice from the Practice column dropdown list.
Select Unapproved Groups from the Rows Containing dropdown list. At the bottom right of the table a count of patients at the selected practice with at least 1 unapproved item is displayed.
How many patients have incomplete data for a specific clinical domain... |
Select Incomplete from the dropdown list for the desired column. At the bottom right of the table a count of patients at the selected practice with at least 1 unapproved item is displayed.
How many patients have Incomplete data for a specific clinical domain for a specific practice... |
Select the desired practice from the Practice column dropdown list.
Select Incomplete from the dropdown list for the desired column.
Select Unapproved Groups from the Rows Containing dropdown list. At the bottom right of the table a count of patients at the selected practice with at least 1 unapproved item is displayed.
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